Course content:
Chapter 1: The ELDA document
Lesson 1: What does the ELDA/VLOA refer to?
Lesson 2: Who is the document aimed at?
Lesson 3: What is a curriculum framework?
Chapter 2: The layout of the National Curriculum Framework:
Lesson 1: The NQF and the Critical Outcomes
Lesson 2: Early Learning and Development Areas
Lesson 3: The structure of each ELDA/VLOA
Chapter 3: Integration of the ELDAs/VLOAs in children’s daily routines:
Lesson 1: One activity – multiple outcomes
Lesson 2: Inclusivity
Lesson 3: The importance of play
Chapter 4: Lesson planning
Lesson 1: What do I need to get started?
– template
– ELDA document
– themes
Lesson 2: Lesson planning according to the ELDAs/VLOAs (for the different age groups)
Chapter 5: Assessment
Lesson 1: What is assessment?
Lesson 2: The purpose of assessment
Lesson 3: Children with special needs
Lesson 4: Where assessment takes place
Lesson 5: How do I assess?
– preparation
– observation
– recording