(7 Ratings)

Nurturing The Terrible Twos | Short Course

Categories: English Courses
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About Course

Are you navigating the challenging phase of the “terrible twos” with your toddler?
This short course is designed to help parents and teachers understand and manage the behavioral changes and developmental milestones that come with this age.
Gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and support from experts and fellow parents to make this phase a little easier for both you and your child.

Course Content:

Chapter 1: Understanding the Terrible Twos

Introduction to the Terrible Twos

Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Definition of the term terrible two’s

Lesson 2: Historical Context and Significance of the Terrible Twos

Lesson 3: Cognitive, emotional, and physical milestones typical for two-year-olds

Lesson 4: Importance of These Milestones in a Child’s Growth

Chapter 2: Tantrums, Defiance, Mood Swings, and Independence Seeking

Lesson 1: Common behaviours in 2-year-olds

Lesson 2 Reasons Behind These Behaviours from a Developmental Perspective

Lesson 3: The Importance of Empathy and Patience During This Stage

Lesson 4: Long-Term Benefits of Nurturing Rather Than Punishing

Chapter 3: Developing Language Skills

Lesson 1: How two-year-olds express emotions and why it can be overwhelming.

Lesson 2: The Role of Frustration and Limited Language Skills

Lesson 3: Techniques to help two-year-olds expand their vocabulary.

Lesson 4: Understanding and Using Gestures, Facial Expressions, and Body Language

Chapter4:  Setting Boundaries and Limits

Lesson 1: Triggers and Types of Tantrums in Two-Year-Olds

Lesson 2: Differentiating Between Tantrums and Meltdowns

Lesson 3: Importance of Consistent Routines and Clear Boundaries

Lesson 4: How routines provide security and predictability

Lesson 5: Giving clear, concise, and age-appropriate instructions.

Chapter 5: Encouraging Independence

Lesson 1: Fostering Independence

Lesson 2: Helping children manage strong emotions

Lesson 3: Techniques for calming a child during a tantrum.

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Course Content

Understanding the Terrible Twos

  • Definition of the term terrible two’s
  • Historical Context and Significance of the Terrible Twos
  • Cognitive, emotional, and physical milestones typical for two-year-olds
  • Importance of These Milestones in a Child’s Growth

Tantrums, Defiance, Mood Swings, and Independence Seeking

Developing Language Skills

Setting Boundaries and Limits

Encouraging Independence

Kursussertifikaat | Course Certificate

Verdien jou sertifikaat van voltooiing | Earn your certificate of completion

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Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 7 Ratings
7 Ratings
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4 weeks ago
I enjoyed this course to the fullest. Teaching 2year olds can be very challenging but after the information I got, my little tantrums have another thing coming. I learnt that validating their feelings plays a big roll in overcoming the terrible twos. Thank you for putting together such needed course, it really helped
1 month ago
Good and interesting
3 months ago
Children throw tatrum at the age of two years. Help children to be strong on their emotions. Promoting the emotional and well being.
4 months ago
The course gives the information on how to handle a child and understanding them .It teaches you the technics that you can use when they cry,shout and throw tantrums.How to deal with children emotionally and physically.
4 months ago
It was a good course for me as I learnt on several ways on how to respond to child’s trantrums and I also understood that it’s a phase that a child must pass through it’s actually not a problem.
4 months ago
I learn alot about how to understand the emotion of a two year old and how to be around them and alot about them
5 months ago
The information was informative and also a good reminder to go back to basics when dealing with our 2 year olds.
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Pikkewyntjies LOGO 11zon

Pikkewyntjies Kleuterskool


Our Family Daycare

Our method of teaching is a “hands-on” approach. Children, as most people, learn easiest and have more fun when they learn through their senses and by experiences.

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Ons streef daarna om vir elke kleuter ‘n tweede huis te wees waar ons die liefde vir Jesus kweek 🌸

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The Playhouse - Speelskool

Speelskool geleë in Glen Marais, Kempton Park. Huislike atmosfeer, klein klassies. Kleuters 2 jaar +

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We nurture the firm belief that every child is unique in their own way. We can never replace Mommy and Daddy, but we undertake that while they are with us, we will love them as our own.

We will take care of them and encourage them to explore and learn new things. They will get healthy and nutritious food prepared with love. We will always comfort them when they are upset and crying and try and understand. We believe there is no better sound than kids laughing, and thus we strive to make them laugh and be happy all the time.

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Papierwerk & Admin

Ons bou ons reeks administratiewe dokumentasie wat jou sal bystaan in jou pligte as skoolhoof/spanleier. Ons reeks word uitgebrei om sleuteldokumentasie te verskaf wat nodig mag wees in jou daaglikse uitvoering van jou pligte.

Nou beskikbaar: Onderwysers-evalueringspakket | Onderwysers/Werknemerkontrak | Ouer – Skoolkontrak

Paperwork & Admin

We are building our range of administrative documentation that will assist you in your duties as principal/team leader. Our range is being expanded to provide key documentation that may be required in your day-to-day performance of your duties.

Now available: Teachers Evaluation Package | Teachers/Employee Contract | Parental – School Contract


Maandelikse indiensopleiding vir jou en jou personeel met uiteenlopende onderwerpe wat die basiese beginsels van voorskoolse onderwys dek.
Relevante, insiggewende inhoud, aangebied in 25-50min videosessies.
Beskikbaar in ‘n 6 & 12-maande-sessiepakket of maandeliks. Hierdie kursusse sal elke maand beskikbaar wees vir jou/jou onderwysers om te gebruik.
Aflaaibare en drukbare opleidingbywoningsblad vir elke les.
Kursusse is 24/7 beskikbaar en kan met ‘n rekenaar, tablet of selfoon vriendelik.

Dit is vir ‘n maksimum van 12 opvoeders. ‘n Lys van opleidingsgangers moet aan Aanlynkursusse gestuur word vir rekordhoudingdoeleindes.

In-Service Training

Monthly in-service training for you and your staff with varied topics covering the basics of preschool education.
Relevant, up-to-date informative content, presented in 25-50min video sessions.
Available in a 6 & 12-Month Session Pack or Monthly. These courses will be available each month for you/your teachers to use.
Downloadable and printable training attendance sheet for each lesson.
Courses are available 24/7 and can be accessed using a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

This is for a maximum of 12 educators. A list of training attendees has to be forwarded to Aanlynkursusse for record keeping purposes.

Kort Kursusse

Ons bied ‘n reeks aanlyn kortkursusse aan wat spesifiek op pre-primêre onderwysers en versorgers gerig is. Met maklik om te volg lesinhoud (met video) wat jy in jou eie tyd en jou eie tempo kan voltooi. Jy sal ‘n digitale sertifikaat van voltooiing ontvang wat sy eie unieke reeksnommer het.

Kursusse is 24/7 beskikbaar en kan verkry word met ‘n rekenaar, tablet of selfoon.

Short Courses

We offer a range of online short courses aimed specifically at pre-primary teachers and care-givers.

Easy to follow lesson content with video that you can complete in your own time and at your own pace. You will receive a digital certificate of completion that has its own unique serial number.
Courses are available 24/7 and can be accessed using a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Lys jou skool.

Vir slegs R45 per maand (2 maande gratis by annulering) kan jy jou skool op ons webwerf lys.

List your school.

 For only R45 per month (2 months free when paying annually), you can list your school on our website.

Aanlynkursusse Effective Communication 11zon

Effektiewe Kommunikasie met Ouers
Kort Kursus

Hierdie kort kursus het ten doel om onderwysers toe te rus met noodsaaklike strategieë vir effektiewe kommunikasie met ouers. Effektiewe kommunikasie bevorder positiewe verhoudings tussen onderwysers en ouers, wat lei tot beter ondersteuning vir leerders en ‘n meer bevorderlike leeromgewing. Hierdie kursus dek verskeie kommunikasiemetodes, strategieë om moeilike gesprekke te hanteer, en wenke om vertroue en verhouding met ouers te bou.

Effective Communication with Parents
Short Course

This short course aims to equip teachers with essential strategies for effective communication with parents. Effective communication fosters positive relationships between teachers and parents, leading to better support for students and a more conducive learning environment. This course will cover various communication methods, strategies for handling difficult conversations, and tips for building trust and rapport with parents.